
Monday, November 20, 2023

S4E25: Ranavalona II - Madagascar's Christian Queen


The Palace of Rainilaiarivony
Following their survival of the failed coup of 1868, Prime Minister Rainilaiarivony and Queen Ranavalona II set about implementing a new reformist agenda. Among these reforms included the creation of the country's first fully independent school, which educated Malagasy army officers on governmental administration. The school enabled the creation of a new bureaucratic class of officers, who replaced the old system of provincial government.

The Royal Chapel at the Rova of Antananarivo
Meanwhile, queen Ranavalona II radically transformed the country's religious system by converting to Christianity and burning the country's sacred sampy. To reduce Christianity's potential to act as a disruptive force, Ranavalona sought to create an independent Christian church under the control of the Malagasy government rather than the influence of foreign clergy.

To relieve his country from the currency crisis of 1879, Rainilaiarivony attempted to import large quantities of Indian rupees
Among these changes, Madagascar experienced a decade of non-stop economic growth and relative social stability. However, a disruptive smallpox epidemic on the east coast of Madagascar caused ripple effects in the Malagasy economy, ultimately leading to a severe currency shortage and economic recession.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

S4E24: The Brother's Coup and First Malagasy Constitution

Prime Minister Rainilaiarivony

In the aftermath of the controversial coup against Radama II, the new head of state, prime minister Rainivoninahitriniony, was in a tumultuous position. He and the fellow orchestrators of the coup had committed the unprecedented act of overthrowing the mpanjaka Imerina. He attempted to legitimize the bureaucratic takeover by marrying one of Radama's wives, Rasoherina, as well as drafting a new constitution for Imerina. While the constitution would last, Rainivoninahitriniony did not, and he was himself overthrown by his brother in 1864. This brother was Rainilaiarivony, one of the top ranking generals in the Malagasy army, who proceeded to implement a de facto military dictatorship, overthrowing his brother and declaring himself prime minister. While Rasoherina remained the official head of state, Rainilaiarivony was the true power behind the throne.

Empress Rasoherina

Rainilaiarivony inherited a Malagasy economy in turmoil. The removal of the pro-European Radama II from power had dramatically hurt Madagascar's relationship with its most important trade partners. The new prime minister attempted to undo this damage through the negotiations of treaties with these powers. Throughout the 1860s, 70s, and 80s, Rainilaiarivony negotiated treaties of friendship and commerce with France and the UK, and additionally negotiated treaties with other countries in an attempt to diversify Malagasy trade. These included treaties with the USA, Italy, and Germany. 

1881 Treaty of Friendship between the United States and Madagascar

Ultimately, Rainilaiarivony's efforts has a mixed result. Trade revived at first, but the opening of the Suez canal allowed European ships to cut through the Mediterranean and bypass Madagascar when trading in Asia.

Rainilaiarivony and Rasoherina also had to fight off a final attempt by Rainivoninahitriniony to retake power as Rasoherina reached the end of her life. In the end, this coup was crushed, and Rainilaiarivony appointed a new puppet monarch in the form of Ranavalona II.