
Monday, October 5, 2020

S01 E03: Egypt Before the Pharaohs

Here's some accompanying images for this week's episode, as well as some bonus content.

So, avid Egyptian history buffs might be disappointed that I didn't mention Crocodile, another powerful nomarch from the Protodynastic period. Crocodile was purported to have ruled in the city of Tarkhan, a city near modern Cairo, shortly after Scorpion's rule, or may have been a pretender who attempted to usurp the rule of Ka in Nekhen. The reason that I didn't include Crocodile on my list of important predynastic nomarchs is due to the lack of information known about him, even to the standards of predynastic Egypt. Every other king I referenced has a spotty biography, but fairly decent evidence to corroborate his existence. Crocodile's existence, on the other hand, is supported by the existence of one sloppily written inscription on a few jars in Tarkhan. Given the lack of evidence surrounding his rule and lack of corroborating evidence for his existence, I thought it would be better to just leave him out of the podcast's narrative.

Here's an accompanying map of Egypt with relevant locations labeled, in case you felt lost during this episode.

Finally, as always here's the donation link to help support the show. I hope you enjoyed this week's episode, and I hope you'll enjoy next week's episode on Narmer.

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1 comment:

  1. About the transition from egalitarian hunter-gatherers and hierarchical agriculturalists, have you read this articles: ?
    What do you think about it, especially on the african parts?

    One more thing, could you write the hard to pronounce names in the blog, to help people get more information online?

    Great series!
