
Monday, April 10, 2023

S4E10: Andriamasinavalona and the Hova Revolution

Map of Imerina before Andriamasinvalona's rule (dark green) and at the end (light green)
When the king of Imerina, Razakatsitakatrandria, proves too unwilling to listen to the desires of his subjects, they make their opinions known. An important Hova leader, a seer named Andriamampandry, leads a rebellion that overthrows the old king, placing in his stead the younger and more affable royal brother Andriamasinvalona.

As king, Andriamasinavalona would become remembered as the greatest ruler Imerina had yet seen. Through the sheer force of his personality and willingness to compromise with nearby noblemen, Andriamasinavalona managed to incorporate substantial territories into Imerina despite never firing a shot. He would also establish one of the main cities of the Merina kingdom, as well as contribute significantly to evolving the art and architecture of his people.
While his own tomb was demolished in the early 20th century, Andriamasinavalona is widely credited as the force behind the popularization of the inclusion of a small, houselike structure at the peak of Malagasy tombs

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